

Petition for Cannabis as Medicine to the German Bundestag.

Please sign the petition for Cannabis as medicine to the German Bundestag. You have to register first: Everyone can sign, no matter of age or nationality! We want: compensation for the use of cannabis as medicine; stop of criminal proceedings against patients. Our aim: an hearing at the petition committee – for that we need 50.000 signatures till 10th Sept 2014.

The public petition is by Dr. med. Franjo Grotenhermen and directed to German Bundestag with follwing text:

“The German Bundestag should decide that the Federal Governement takes measures regarding the costs for cannabis-based medications.

The Bundestag should also decide that any penal proceedings against patients, using cannabis-based medication on prescription, are to be dropped.“

How to sign the petition

This article explains how to sign the petition ‘Cannabis als Medizin’.

Step 1: Visit the website of the petition. You can also type the shortlink hanf.to/medizinpetition – this will redirect you to the petition.

Step 2: Sign the petition – Click on ‘Petition mitzeichnen’

Step 3: If you are going to sign your first petition click on ‘Ich bin neu hier’

Step 4: Fill the formular with your data. The required information: E-Mail, Passwort wählen = Choose a password, Passwort wiederholen = Repeat the password, Anrede Frau / Mann = Title Woman / Man, Name = Sur, Vorname = First Name, Straße und Hausnr. = Street and house number, Postleitzahl = Post code, Wohnort = city, Land = country,

sign the checkboxes:

I acknowledge that I have read, and agree to, the terms of this Privacy Policy and agree to the principles of procedure

I agree to the general terms and conditions

Click on ‘Jetzt registrieren und mitzeichen

Step 5: Get a confirm email and click the confirmation link inside

Done! If you see the site below, you signed the petition successfully!



3 Antworten zu „Petition for Cannabis as Medicine to the German Bundestag.“

  1. Daniel

    Was für eine tolle Idee,
    Was für eine tolle Idee, andere (fortschrittlichere) Länder auf den Plan zu rufen! Das könnte was werden…

  2. Daniel

    Was für eine tolle Idee,
    Was für eine tolle Idee, andere (fortschrittlichere) Länder auf den Plan zu rufen! Das könnte was werden…

  3. Anonymous

    RE: Petition for Cannabis as Medicine to the German Bundestag.

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