Das amerikanische Portal leafly sprach mit Georg Wurth vom DHV über den Standpunkt der Legalisierungsbemühungen in Deutschland.
Wurth is the first professional cannabis legalization lobbyist in Germany. He’s been impacting weed policy as part of his city council since the ’90s, and in 1996, began to “specialize more and more in drug policy reform.”
Today, DHV is the largest cannabis legalization NGO in Europe, with 30 activist groups across major German cities, like Berlin and Hamburg. Wurth also hosts a weekly cannabis policy news show on YouTube and leads DHV in online public debate.
When asked if legalization in Germany is guaranteed in 2024, Wurth’s response is a familiar one from states on the brink of legalization in the US. “Nothing is guaranteed in drug policy reform until it is reality,” he said.
Still, he was optimistic: “Becoming the world’s third [country] to fully legalize cannabis is quite a big story, with a lot of hurdles. I hope we´ll get it done, and I think we can. But how likely? Today, I say 60%,” Wurth told Leafly.