Auch im Ausland wird die hanfpolitische Entwicklung in Deutschland genau verfolgt. Die Online-Zeitung "Washington Times" berichtet über den Vorstoß des CDU-Politikers Dr.Joachim Pfeiffer zitiert in diesem Zusammenhang auch unseren Geschäftsführer Georg Wurth:
Mr. Pfeiffer’s move sent ripples of joy through the budding marijuana industry in Germany, offering a rare crack in the conservative unity that has resisted all past efforts at legalization.
“The Christian Democratic Union has been a cement wall in the way of legislation,” said Georg Wurth, head of the German Hemp Association, a pro-legalization group in Berlin. “But for the first time we have a CDU politician publicly speaking out for legalization, which is a big step forward. You can assume there are others with similar opinions in the CDU.”
Still, despite Mr. Pfeiffer touting the benefits of legal marijuana to his CDU colleagues, Mr. Wurth wasn’t expecting Ms. Merkel to allow the legislation to pass. “It will be a long time before the party has a majority in favor of legalization,” he said.