Das englischsprachige Online-Magazin i24news berichtet über das Cannabis Kontrollgesetz, die Entwicklung im Görlitzer Park, die neue Null-Toleranz-Zone und die Pläne für einen Coffeeshop dort. Dazu wurde auch unser Geschäftsführer Georg Wurth interviewt, hier die entsprechenden Ausschnitte:
But legalization activists aren't willing to wait. The German Hemp Association has already declared they would pay for a lawyer for anyone arrested due to the new policy. "We will fight this till the highest court, which we're sure will throw out this policy. This doesn't serve the public's interest," emphasized the association's CEO Georg Wurth.
"The war on drugs is costing us millions, when we could be earning as much from taxing the legal drug trade. This discussion is old, but now it's gaining momentum, with more scholars, doctors and law officers supporting legalization. Maybe the ones against it should explain, for once, what's their position good for."
Others point the finger at the German Mentality: "Despite the number of smokers, in general we like to follow the law and do what the government says. Legalizing something which was illegal isn't easy," claimed Wurth. "Even when we'll legalize cannabis, you can be sure we will have very detailed rules and regulation around it."
Bildunterschrift: "Georg Wurth has been the spokesman, director and owner of the German Hemp Collective since 2002"