Berlin likely to semi-legalize marijuana

Der staatliche Auslandsnachrichtensender Deutsche Welle berichtet über die Bestrebungen von Rot-Rot-Grün in Berlin zur Cannabisabgabe an Volljährige im Rahmen eines Modellprojekts. In dem in englischer Sprache geschriebenen Artikel kommt auch Maximillian Plenert, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter beim DHV, zu Wort:

In the past, explains Max Plenert of the German Hemp Association, attempts by city districts to legalize pot have foundered on the Federal Intoxicants Law, which bans cannabis. Plenert thinks that the entire city, which is also one of Germany's 16 federal states, has far better chances for success.
"The legal code is decided at the federal level, and this is about a local attempt to try to do things differently," Plenert told DW. "The Intoxicants Law provides for such experiments. You can apply for exceptions, although the Minister of Health also has influence over the final decision. The state of Berlin has far broader possibilities than a city district in terms of setting up a pilot project. We can make a far more powerful appeal for an exception."